Engineering & Consulting
We help our clients improving their performance and global efficiency
Benefits for the client
We have developed some methodologies, techniques and approaches to help our clients improving their performance and global efficiency. ACM-e provides engineering and consulting services based on many years of experience across multiple industries and countries.
Our team is given by junior, senior and expert consultants and trainers, project managers and software developers in order to be always a step over the state of the art with the chance to propose our clients, innovative and effective solutions concerning the management of their assets.
We design and implement comprehensive roadmaps to ensure our clients’ profitable operations. We merge industrial expertise, advanced technologies, management processes and world-class guidelines to supply the most useful and tailored solutions. Each client needs short, mid and long-term advantages and we plan our interventions in order to make this possible; some benefits for the clients are:

- RAMS and HSE performance improvement
- Shorter emergency downtime
- Lower production losses
- Minimization of the time-based maintenance tasks and required resources, through the adoption of predictive approaches
- Optimization of CAPEX and OPEX with a Total Cost of Ownership perspective
- Optimization of spare parts stock levels
- Full compliance with local rules and regulations
- Personnel qualification and skills development

Asset Management Consulting
ACM-e’s consulting services are based on experienced and proven solutions.
Industrial companies are increasingly focused on improving the management of their physical assets, as well as new and existing infrastructure, to achieve their financial, operational and social objectives. Capital-intensive businesses (Energy, Defense, Healthcare, Telco, Mining & Metals, Oil & Gas, etc.) are under pressure to cope with growing demand, comply with new regulatory requirements, reduce costs and meet ongoing expectations. The general objective is to determine how assets can deliver more for stakeholders while balancing cost, risk and performance. At ACM-e we link business strategy with operational actions through data based decision process, leading to effective, efficient and safe operations of physical assets across their life cycle. We bring an integrated systematic approach to solution development, ensuring that all facets of an asset management system are taken into account and that there is alignment with the organization’s value, operational context and risk management policies. To achieve this, we bring together specialist skills necessary for successful system development, design, implementation, and decommissioning. Our asset management consulting framework includes some phases and related activities:
- Requirements analysis and gap analysis
- ISO55000 maturity assessment and development
- Risk assessment
- Asset performance measurem
Strategy Definition
• Asset management planning
• Decision support system development
• Requirements development and trade-off analysis with a risk mitigation approach
• Forecasting and scenario modelling
• Program implementation and project management assistance
• Stakeholder engagement and approval support
• Enterprise asset information management system
• Maintenance strategy development and improvement
• Process review to maximize value and eliminate inefficiency
Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
ACM-e’s expertise extends to Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and to Availability Centered Maintenance (ACM) projects, technical and engineering analysis of products and systems through the use of failure and risk analysis techniques and the identification of improvements. These analyses are undertaken with the support of
specialized software; some of these software tools are developed internally.
ACM-e can advise on reliability and maintenance engineering from the initial Strategy Planning phase to that of implementing operational instructions and monitoring technical-management performance.
- Organization of maintenance business processes
- RAM analysis (FTA, FMECA,RBD)
- Elaboration of preventative maintenance plans, implementation of EAM and standard operating procedures (SOP)
- Design, planning and scheduling of maintenance works
- Development of the integrated logistics support
- Failure reporting, analysis and corrective actions (RCA, FRACAS)
- Development of predictive maintenance programs, based on feasibility assessment
- Provision of smart maintenance solutions: augmented reality and works automatic tracking.
Asset Integrity Management
An effective Asset Integrity Management program includes all the phases: design, operations, maintenance, inspection till decommissioning, by ensuring safety and
sustainability. To keep the assets in the proper conditions, ready to operate when required and minimizing all the related operational expenditures (OPEX) is the target.
ACM-e can support the client in determining the priorities, highlighting the criticalities by ranking and establishing the methodological and practical recommendations to make
company achieve efficient and effective performance in the management of the most important assets. Almost 20 years of experience in the assessment and management of
different types of assets, belonging to a wide range of sectors and industries, allows ACM-e to be a reference player in this field.
Our Services
- 3D Laser scanning and mechanical inspections
- Damage and Failure Analysis
- Corrosion Analysis and Monitoring
- Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), in accordance with API reference norms – API RP 580 and API RP 581
- Fitness For Service (FFS) – API RP 579
Audit & Benchmarking
ACM-e offers audit and benchmarking services to allow companies to clearly know their asset management conditions (maintenance, operations, logistics) and to receive a tailored roadmap for improvement.
By systematically utilizing our software tools and methodologies developed through the last decade, we can take the picture of one company quite quickly and provide the client with an exhaustive overview of the current situation, showing quantitative benchmarking based on standardized KPIs versus the best performers, in order to determine the priorities to work on the identified criticalities. These evaluation can compare different departments of one plant, different plants of a corporation and also plants localized in different countries.
The information collected are used to compare the performance of the unit under evaluation with the myriad of other experiences undertaken elsewhere. At the end of this work, client can have in his hands and objective analysis of his company’s health concerning the conditions of the assets and of the related processes
Spare Parts Management
Spare parts management and optimization is a key point to increase one company’s profitability; we help our clients to identify their actual spare parts needs, to reduce their stocks and to improve all the integrated logistic support processes (from procurement to refurbishment), even through our traceability solutions.
We determine the proper balance between the number of spares to have in the warehouse and the number of spares that are not necessary. A spare parts analysis determine a clear stocking strategy to avoid overstocking or understocking spares and risking delayed repair times for critical assets.
A spare parts strategy must be based on equipment criticality, on the cost of stocking single parts and the risk of not stocking specific parts. ACM-e offers detailed spare parts optimization and development support by developing a risk-based spare parts strategy, identifying cross equipment spares and specific spares, making risk-based recommendations for spare parts to be stocked, associating parts for proactive and corrective maintenance tasks, and incorporating the spare parts information into the EAM or ERP company’s systems.
ISO55001 Implementation
ACM-e can support and assist in the design and development of the asset management standard ISO 55001 enabling companies to test and demonstrate that their assets are being properly managed for optimum performance, longevity and value.
Based on our long experience we can share a large set of experiences in how to address the different technical, organizational and culture challenges that can be encountered. Our analyses enable companies to identify existing strengths, as well as any gaps against ISO 55001 requirements with a highly interactive process, revealing not only the current status, but also the scope and pay-back of potential improvements. Our approach provides a unique view of priorities, opportunities and optimal route to improving the asset management and then to sustain better performance along time.

Training & Coaching
With more than 20 years of experience, ACM-e provides the highest standard or customized training programs for employees and technicians on asset management and integrity, planning and scheduling, spare parts management, risk and reliability, etc.; we offer courses with the use of the latest multimedia tools and technical documentation, which result in efficient operations and reduced operating costs.
Moreover ACM-e can provide the clients with long-term coaching services aimed at deepening the practical knowledge of methodologies or technologies. Our coaching services are provided directly at our client’s premises in order to resolve specific daily issues while at the same time trying to transfer to the client the ability to autonomously resolve similar problems in the future. Our professional coaching is carried out by qualified people who work with clients to improve their effectiveness and performance, to let them express their full potential.
ACM-e S.r.l.
Corso Sempione, 39 - 20145 Milan (MI) Italy